Specializing in structural analysis and substantiation of aerospace structures we offer technical services and support on a contract basis. Projects large or small, we are used to supporting projects with tight deadlines, and can help get you through an understaffed period without on-boarding new employees, or act as your structural analysis department if you don't have one in house. We use both classical/traditional methods as well as finite element analysis including FEMAP and NX NASTRAN.
We have experience working with a diverse set of projects and team makeups from aircraft & launch OEMs to mod shops developing STCs. Projects range in topics from drawing/design review, static strength, stability, fatigue, damage tolerance and crack growth, interval based inspection determination, to equivalent strength and both production and service MRB/repair activities, flight and ground test, spectra, data reduction and visualization. Project scopes that we typically take on range from full stress analysis & documentation, to simply CAD idealization or meshing, fatigue or crack growth analysis, running a NASTRAN job, doing a 3rd party sanity check (or hand calcs), or spiffing up a report format.
Drop us a line about your project today to start a no obligation conversation about how we could help.
Analysis Automation:
Excel, Femap, Nastran, Web or server side analysis automation. We can reduce your analysis time significantly with automation.
- Femap APIs
- Automate simple or complex tasks in Femap
- Nastran Pre & Post Processing
- Methods standardization by web based tools
- Excel Macros
- AFGROW COM & NASGRO Batch for fracture automation
- Femap & Nastran Excel Incerconnectivity
- Build a model based on parametric inputs in Excel
- Run case studies right from Excel
- Post Process results directly in Excel
- Data visualization
Structural Design
Component or Installation |
Modeling & Simulation
Component or Installation |
- 3-D Modeling or CAD Translation
- 2-D Drawings
- Conversion to 3-D from 2-D
- Reverse Engineering of prototypes
- 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D Meshing
- Geometry Idealization
- Loads or stress fidelity modeling
- Pre & Post processing or model debugging
Testing & Data Reduction |
- Model verification and validation
- Strain Gage data reduction
- Power (& Acceleration) Spectral Density
- PSD & ASD generation
- Flight Test Data Reduction
Fatigue, Fracture & Damage Tolerance
(DaDT) |
- Fatigue
- Fracture
- Damage Tolerance Analysis
- Spectrum processing &, Rainflow counting